Interested in joining DAMS this school year? Fill out our Fall Interest Form to get connected! More information coming soon!
Data and Mapping for Society is Stanford’s student data science group. We consist of over 100 undergraduates and graduate students passionate about making an impact with understandable and useful data visualizations. We run internal workshops to teach fundamental skills and work with external partners to meet their data needs.

Winner of the Campus Award for Inspiring Innovation
“They show a great example of the spirit of Stanford being led by passion, working in an interdisciplinary fashion to solve complex problems with real-world applications”
Campus Impact Awards Committee, 2020
What do we do?

We work with external partners to meet their data visualization needs

A key part of our club is education–teaching R and other valuable skills

Internal Projects
Our internal projects reflect our members’ interests, from video games to social justice
Where our members have worked: