Internal Projects

Our club is a diverse group of students with a wide range of interests, from social justice to video games. Here, you can see some of the data- and mapping-related internal project work our club members do.

Stanford in Minecraft

This project aims to recreate the Stanford campus in Minecraft at a 1:1 scale, working off of a base map of satellite imagery overlaid on a heightmap generated from USGS LiDAR data. Our aim for this project is to allow people to gather in a familiar space from afar, and inspire a greater appreciation of and critical thinking about the land, architecture, landscaping, and built environment of Stanford.

Data Journalism

Our workshops and consulting work give our members important toolsets which enable us to analyze and visualize large, complex datasets. Through data journalism, we can better inform the public on the world around us. Our Data Stories website is where we host this work.

The Olmstead Guide

Named for the architect of our campus, Frederick Law Olmstead, this guide is a directory of all things Stanford. So rather than trying to explain to newcomers what Stanford life is like (which would take four years), it lists relevant pages. There are brief descriptions for most resources, but most pages are pretty self-explanatory.
